• Building Community One Business at a Time

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  • Jewish CC of Greater Orlando


    Non-Profit Organizations

    About Us

    The Roth Family JCC and The Jewish Federation of Central Florida have joined together to create a streamlined organization that motivates, inspires, and connects our Central Florida Jewish Community.
    At Shalom Orlando, we believe that Jewish life exists wherever you are – in your home, out with our friends, or at one of the many incredible Jewish organizations that support Jewish life in Central Florida. As a community united, Shalom Orlando seeks to bring Jewish to the nearly 50,000 other Jews who call Central Florida home.
    Shalom Orlando stands at the intersection of tradition and progress as an enduring community, striving to be a cultural, educational, recreational, and social center dedicated to serving generations.


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    Rep/Contact Info

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    Rachel Greenspan
    Director Community Connections & Cultural Programming
  • Thank you to our community business partner.

    Duke Energy