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  • How to Make Work Like Golfing

    How to Make Work Like Golfing

    In work, we are met with many universal pieces of advice that can quickly turn from helpful to tangential. Ideas such as “dress for the job you want” or “you’ll never work a day doing what you love” are kindergarten-grade and can sound condescending. There are so many rules and cues to follow that get to be overwhelming in time. On the other side of the coin, it can be stressful to imagine treating work-life as though it were a game. Unless, of course, that game is golf. Here are some of our best tips for working as if it were a round of golf:

    1.       Play the ball as it lies. Similarly to how every player’s ball may land in a different spot, at work, we all face unique struggles. The “ball” of business is unique for each employee. Instead of worrying about how your ball didn’t land where someone else’s did, think about the hard work it took to get to the spot yours is in. It’s your job to make the most of the opportunities presented to you. By the time you reach the hole or the goal, you’ll be much stronger for the journey you took! And remember, another person’s hole-in-one isn’t pushing your ball any closer to or farther from the hole.

    2.       Hit your ball with one strike. Make the most of it, too. In work, you won’t get far pushing, scraping, or scooping along. It’s certainly hard to lead if you’ve camouflaged yourself in a sand trap. Swing hard! Half the game is confidence, so trust in yourself, take your practice swings, and carry through when it’s your turn.

    3.       Wait it out. The “ten-second rule” in golf says that if a ball stops on the edge of the hole, you can wait ten seconds to see if it’ll drop in before it costs you another shot. Between promotions, raises, or even job switches, a little resilience can go a long way. The results of our effort take time to crop up. Be patient, calm, and if you hit the eight-second mark, pray for a little wind.

    Now, before you go putting around the office or swinging at your swivel chair, have you heard about the Tales of Two Cities—Charity Golf Tournament to benefit New Hope for Kids yet? This year, the City and Chamber of Maitland will be trying to earn back the trophy, which was lost last year to the City and Chamber of Casselberry by only five strokes! It’ll all take place on March 5th. The cost for individual golfers is $65 and foursomes is $260. This is a great business opportunity to help a great cause while networking and having fun along the way.

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